Spider-bear, Spider-bear, cuddles better then a spider can Spins a web, any size, Cuddles you just like flies Look Out! Here comes the Spider-bear. Is he strong? Listen muffin, He's got radioactive stuffin. Can he swing from a thread Take a look overhead Hey, there There goes the Spider-bear. In the chill of night when your all alone He will cuddle you right and may you feel right at home Spider-bear, Spider-bear Friendly neighborhood Spider-bear Wealth and fame He's ingnored Hugs are his reward. To him, life is a great big cuddle Whenever you need a huggle You'll find the Spider-bear.nuff said I do not own any rights to character displayed on this product If said copyright owner wishes me to take this item down i will comply. I do encourage people to buy legitimate real world products buy the copyright owners for if they are available and I could afford them I would surely purchase them.I will not make any more products that use trademarked characters/brands in an overt way unless i have expressed permission from that copyright owner.