This was written by Dardalion, and in my opinion the most beautiful thing I have ever read. Oh how do I perceive thee? Etherial Vision of my soul: Hair of pale spun gold, glistens and glows in the eternal sunlight that surrounds you, Creating an aura of innocence and warmth. Eyes, of deepest blue, like the deepest of oceans, clear, sparkling, ever alert, Lips, So full, ripened cherries pouting softly at those surveying you, Oh! Your beauty surpasses that of the finest goddess, Your delicate hand, gently frames the portrait of perfection, within its innocent grasp, Yet, I smile, you possess the power of a demon, the wit of a jester, The soul of an angel and the caring of a saint. Seductive, Sensual,Gentle. You came into my life like I created you.