Each spot is marked with color. Pink for the bride and blue for her escort. The escort adjusts his tie and pats his hair to ensure that every strand is in place before he begins to march. The bride displays a small amount of wedding jitters during the first few seconds of the pose, and she looks at the escort, while he prims himself as if she wants to ask him, shouldn't I be doing that? The march is 2.5 minutes long. When both the escort and the bride begins to walk, the bride struts confidently up the aisle. Once she reaches the end, they hold hands and the escort gives her a kiss and they both face the officiant. The bride waits for the officiant to ask, who igiveth away this bride? The escort can answer with an I DO, before he goes to sit in his seat, and the bride takes her place in front of her groom. There is plenty of time to synchronize the entire start of your wedding. Here is a complete breakdown of what happens during the 2.5 min march: - 0:0- 0:16 -- standing negotiation; - 0:16-1:25 -- go forward to isle (the distance is about 15 meters) - 1:42 -- turn faces to each other - 1:48 -- "Yes" words - 2:00 -- Kiss - 2:11 -- turn back and idle - 2:30 -- animation stops, character stands still in last frame (so, you will be able to change spots whenever you want) The Girl should have a small flowers bouquet in her Left hand (the object is not supplied in the product). The Kiss works good with middle-sized heads. Don't use avatars scalers with this device to avoid hands and animation space synchronization problems.