Derivable Area Rug with Opacity...
The guide and images below are just an example, this product lays on the floor as an area rug. PLEASE NOTE that you may have to "raise" the rug up ever so slightly (press and hold the SHIFT key while having the "furniture move tool" active)

Here is the original textures I used for an example.

On the Opacity map, anything black will be transparent, anything white will be Opaque *VISIBLE*, anything gray will of course have a misty transparency but

The Image you wish to see. The Opacity Map. The Result in Previewer/IMVU.
Main Pic

Here's another set of images for you to PLAY with in the Previewer so you can see the effects. DO NOT submit a poster with my images LOL. Have fun and message me if you need any help.

The Image you wish to see. The Opacity Map. The Result in Previewer/IMVU.


HOPE YOU ENJOY! PLEASE LEAVE REVIEWS! It really drives us to make more and better items if we know we are appreciated.