Civil War Cannon w/sound

Officially known as the Model 1857 Smoothbore Gun this artillery piece is commonly called the Napoleon today. This bronze 12 Pounder smoothbore gun was used extensively by both sides during the American Civil War and fired a 4.62" spherical (round) solid projectile for destroying masonry fortifications. It was also capable of firing hollow spherical exploding shells packed with small steel balls, canister shot and grapeshot. Canister shot was a tin canister filled with 9 small steel balls and was used against enemy infantry and cavalry. Grapeshot while similar to canister shot had a total of 27 small steel balls packed inside and was also used against infantry and cavalry but was for closer range. Both canister and grapeshot essentialy made the M1857 Gun into a giant shotgun with lethal effect. Makes a great lawn ornimate or addition to castles, ships, ect.!

With Sounds Triggers: fire (Cannon firing) and ex (explosion)

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