Derivable Magical Jigsaw Puzzle
with Poses

My derivable jigsaw puzzle with animated wizard poses
Let's you watch as a 60 piece jigsaw puzzle comes together (with a little magic) right before your eyes.
Derivable you can change MATERIAL SLOT 3 to be any picture you want.
TRIGGERS: Puzzle, Puzzle+ (faster), Puzzle-(slower), Puzzle0, Finish

puzzle pose

Choose your seat

Each chair has two pose dots. The top set of dots selects the animated pose that waves the hands and wiggles fingers over the board as the puzzle pieces automagically come together to form the final picture.
While the pose dots at the base of each chair are the regular sit idle poses for your avatar. You and your partner can select either seat.



In addition to putting the puzzle together with the wizzard pose, this mesh comes with several triggers.
Type the word PUZZLE and the pieces will assemble themselves one by one.
The trigger Puzzle+ will assemble the puzzle faster and Puzzle- will assemble the pieces VERY SLOWLY.
Puzzle0 will collect all of the pieces into a pile at the edge of the table top. While FINISH will put the puzzle instantly all together.