Adorable female doll with long wavy hair.
This doll is furniture for your room. Clone as many as you want.

She comes with 12 actions besides its basic idle stance. Trigger words for the 12 actions are as follows:

belch, blowkiss, cossack, fart, flirt, giggle, laugh, manly, bow, pray, roar and score

~~~ A joint production by Jo and MystyRainbow ~~~

***** This doll is derivable so you can make her your own ****

Your doll is wearing the following clothing. Please see the product pages for clothing maps for deriving.

Hair - *Jo* Dearest - LINK to Hair

Dress/Skirt - ~MR~ Tutu Short Dress - LINK to Dress

Boots - ~MR~ Thigh High Drv - LINK to Boots

And if you wish you can make an oufit for yourself to match!

A guide for deriving:

M00 - halfsuit or undies
M01 - skirt
M02 - skin - head
M03 - eyes
M04 - hair
M05 - eyelashes
M06 - boots
M07 - skin - body
M08 - brows

See Derivations
