Click Here to see Other Great Picture Frames made from this Derivable!

Derivable TALL (3x2) picture frame with raised ridge in frame mesh for professional, museum-style frames. Downloads on WALL node. Use my frame or EZ Texture Selections (instructions below). You can set your derivation to derivable! See all of my new derivable frame styles below.

The Monet painting of Saint Martin below is included with the purchase or derivation.

Information for Developers:

This 3D developer frame with a tall, 2:3 ratio picture size automatically downloads to an upright (tall) and wall node position, but can be moved by users to other furniture nodes if desired. Perfect for 4"x6" photographs. Includes a raised ridge in the middle of the frame and a lower inner ridge, all in the 3D mesh. The frame texture is centered on each side. The entire picture frame item rotates and scales from the center point (like standard IMVU picture frames).

Other Enhanced Derivable Frames!
All* new frame derivables use wall nodes; have centered frame sides, seamless edge matching, useable frame textures, easier maps, and improved meshes; and derivations can be set to derivable! Transparent backs can be changed to second images on most. (* Except for floating frames and frames with product numbers less than 4918785.)

For all of my derivables, click here.

Derivable Frame Shapes

Frame Features

Frame Textures and Colors

CONVERSION Frame Derivables.
(Create wall node frames with your old textures made for my old frame styles.
No need to re-create your favorite frame textures! Message me if other styles are needed.)

AnakaTarren’s Trigger Word List

vintage antique masterpiece paintings pictures framed frames pictureframes fine art fineart art fine furniture meshes mesh paintings pictures room victorian vintage antique antiques derive derivable deriveanakatarren content creator developer ButtonAnakaFrame3x2 ButtonAnakaFrameTall ButtonAnakaFrameWood