This is a short small step walk that would work wonderful as a Wedding Walk!
This is a furniture product so you can clone them and place them as you wish (on a "room node" which vary greatly from room to room available in IMVU!)!

The walk is quite long...but you would be best advised to "Try It" before you "Buy It"! (I doubt you'd be disappointed though!)

Don't forget that you can also use this to walk in carpets...disco's...beaches...among a few ideas, like I said before you can clone this and place them around your scenes to make a more interesting place with walking pose-furnitures like this one!!!

"Hmm"...*scratches head* *places thinking finger on chin*


This IS a Furniture with your "hammer tools" in your IMVU's IM Why Not RESIZE IT to make it "fit" your "area" where you want this walk to be!!!???!!!

Here Is A Convienient Tutorial For Advanced Users below...

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Description Revised On 4-27-2010
