She has a "Perfect Little Face" head, Which I personally resized.
Thinner arched eyebrows,I made opacity map for..
.Small pouty lips, and super-long eyelashes,that I colored the ends,for an adorable look.
Redone front hairline and hair.
Darker Skin .
She also has a nice skintight bathing suit which is minimum coverage compatible.
A Little Smaller feet , Personally Customized brilliant bright blue eyes,Only Found Here!
(all of which should be able to be changed).

funny , nooo , omg , pose1 , pose2 , ose3 , pose4 , pose5 , pose6

She "should" be compatible with all heads, skintones, etc. Just like many of the custom avatars.
She may be unable to do some animations, specifically room animations?. "All Not Tested"