This product was made as a dedication to all of my IMVU friends!
I got the idea from all of my lovable sobs who don't have wishlists lol
I figured, hey, what can I give that would be awesome? And I thought of this lol
It's the perfect representation of me from start to finish,
which includes that special magic of christmas because the mesh is made by a very dear friend of mine.


Leaving link incase some don't know how to reach him :>

Batty, you brat, Merry Xmas, I'm gifting this to all of my 200+ friends with the select all feature :3
I hope you enjoy this double gift! And I hope you find the energy to make more awesome meshes!

Wait a minute... This is a double dedication isn't it... *wiggles brows* aww yeah it is :}
I just gave everyone the double dedication, didn't I? hur hur hur ;3
Typical me lol Merry Christmas my lovey doveys <3 <3 <3

All imvu products I used to model this icon picture:

I used only the gimp editing program to put this icon picture together, woohoo for free programs! ♥

Please visit my other versions of this item if you are too shy to ask me any questions. Maybe the info I've posted there would help.