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I am submiting these for myself but have decided to make them avaliable to you all. Basically this product is a bare bones room that you can derive from. Why should you derive from this? Well this includes the omni directional lighting source to give your avatar and firniture that 3D feel, the camera position so when you enter the room you create it will not appear sideways but it also includes a square area which has lots of furniture spots.

All you need to do is create your room or scene, add the mesh to the Geometry tab in the previewer then texture it and hey presto a room which automatically includes all of the above.

There are 2 versions of this for you to choose, one has the lighting comming from above the other has the lighting comming from below, each giving you the choice how to make your creation feel, PLEASE SEE PICTURE BELOW TO SEE WHAT LIGHT SOURCE THIS PRODUCT HAS.

sketchup derive room base v 1 has lighting commng from the bottom pointing upwards

sketchup derive room base v 2 has lighting commng from the top pointing downwards

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Some examples of my other products.