Template1 - fem

GameDude hand held video game! Super awesome and fun to play with, this game has an animated screen, a playing action with facial expressions to show the excitement, and even includes original 8 bit music! To play your GameDude type the trigger playgame.
Compatible with both male and female avis, but will be listed under Female Accessories in your inventory.
This product is derivable! See instructions below.

All products in the above images can be found in my Catalogue.
Music made by me using BoyScout.

Available in three derivable versions! Yellow, with crazy fast du du du music, Blue with slower music with pshoooo explosion sounds, and Green with boppy ditty nice music.

Instructions for deriving:
Use the templates linked to below to create your textures. For the screen I have used cycling animation - to make the texture for an animated screen use the second screen template below to create a 512x256 texture containing two 128x128 'frames'. If you find making animated textures difficult you may use my screen texture. All materials are opacity enabled.

Screen (with 2 animation frames)
Round buttons
Arrow buttons
Rectangle buttons

Please do not use my textures or set your derivation to derivable.
Be creative and have fun!

IMVU limits all sound files in the chat messenger to 20 seconds each. As part of IMVU's Terms of Service all products containing audio are required to show the following disclaimer:

This product contains audio that is not part of IMVU's Music Mix Service and thus may be limited to a maximum of 20 seconds of audio only.

However please note that this product is not affected as the attached music is less than 20 seconds in length. But please remember to add the above disclaimer to your derivations!

Click to see more of Polystyrene's products!