The Derive-A-Thrower

(Works for Male and Female avies!)

STOP! Don't Buy this! Derive it!

This item is designed to allow developers of every skill level to quickly make any throwable, possibly even exploding, objects. If you can make a Sticker, you can make a Derive-A-Thrower! Below are the templates, but you hardly need them. It couldn't be simpler:

PLEASE NOTE: This item will work equally well with Male and Female avies, but is found under Male Accessories because IMVU lacks a Uni- category. This item conflicts with any item that uses Channel 59 in the avie's body. Extremely few items replace that body channel, but if one of your items does it will either remove this item, or the other item. If you're in doubt, use TRY IT before you BUY IT! There will be NO REFUNDS if it doesn't work with your existing outfit.

Take a photograph of any object you want, and fit it inside of a 512x512, or smaller, square. Save it as a Jpeg.

The make a second copy, and make all of the parts you want visible white, and everything else black. Save it as a PNG, the same size.

Derive this object, bring it into Previewer, and swap the images in "Material 0" with those two images you created. Instant weapon! If you don't want there to be an explosion, use two black images in "Material 1".

Add some sound effects, maybe change the commands, it couldn't be any simpler then that! Check the IMVU Developer page for details on how to get Previewer and a Developer account. Here's the images I used to make this version.

My version looks like a battered old Frisbee, but please don't limit yourself! You can make exploding playing cards, ninja stars, flying money, killer pongs, explosive beer bottle caps, hearts, Halos, people's faces, or just about ANYTHING that's flat! Go wild! Be creative! MAKE SOME CREDITS!

This is the Image I used for the surface:

And this is the Cut Out mask. Everything Black is invisible:

To add sound, I highly recommend you download and use Audacity. It's a free sound editing tool that can export out OGG sound files. OGG sound files compress down to less then 1/10th the file size of WAV files. SO USE OGG FILES!!! You can download it here: