Its a cold dark night as you wrap up in your gown for the evening with a cup of cocoa ... whats this .. who are you ..... no no please don't shoot ... "BANG" ahhhh a shot through my heart, i ii fadddde i, i-i expire .. i die uhhhhhhhh .... *thud*

Do you consider your self a bit of an actor, think your Avi should reflect your award wining theatrical skills well now you can with my Theatrical Death, this great idea was suggested to me by Aligubbs so dont forget credit is due to her to :)


Your avi begs for forgiveness
Bang your avi is shot
Stagers about front and right
spins backwards
falls to the ground with a deathly thud ..



Maybe you want to try your hand at adding your own sounds maybe even a running commentary, or your own theatrical style voice or gunshots .. the sky is the limit ... enjoy and have fun...
