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**********************PRODUCT DESCRIPTION***********************

*Medium Size* Poet top with bows

Please note that tiny clippings occur on some poses especially on tall avatars
can be fixed by painting same color textures on the inner/skin composite layer.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Templates* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
M40 body M40 shading

M41 skintight top back M41 shading
M42 skintight top front M42 shading
M43 skintight tattoo sleeves left M43 shading
M44 skintight tattoo sleeve right M44 shading

M45 outer shirt layer back M45 shading
M46 outer shirt layer front M46 shading
M49 poet sleeves Left M49 shading
M50 poet sleeves right M50 shading
M51 bows M51 shading

There are many stolen meshes in the catalog, derive carefully and derive from the original ones saves you troubles from getting DMCA takedown later.
*Hint* Stolen meshes mostly cannot provide you with templates and mostly appear in wrong categories.
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