DO NOT PURCHASE. This mesh is intended for DEVELOPERS to DERIVE from. Please do not set your mesh to derivable unless you use an opacity map which significantly alters the product.
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This mesh includes a reduced breast size, in addition to the items mentioned above. Everything is fully opacity-mapped. If, after applying an opacity map, you are having any issues with "invisible clipping," try turning off "Use Blending" in the Materials tab for your material.

This is set at only 400 credits despite the rather complex nature of the mesh for two reasons: 1) I believe in setting prices low to allow developers a chance to compete as well as make a profit. 2) I am still pretty new to creating meshes and texture maps and not entirely sure of the quality of my work.

Here are the texture maps:
M00: skintight top
M01: collars/puffs
M02: sleeves
M03: skirt/dress
M04: extras/details
M05-M10: bows/ribbon
Maps 05 - 10 use the same texture map layout. M05 is the chest bow, M06 is the front waist bow, M08 is the back bow, M09 is the right arm bow, and M10 is the left arm bow.

A couple of recommendations when you derive: Because this mesh uses a lot of materials, I suggest resizing larger textures down to 256x256 (or even 128x128) unless you really need the extra detail. Also, any material that you aren't using (you have completely hidden with opacity mapping) I suggest you resize down to 32x32.