A variegated background, the rich red/black of fine henna stain, overlaid with the multi-shaded outline of a Hamsa hand symbol {Used as defense against the evil eye, this symbol is thought to have originated with the ancient Phoenicians of Carthage (who says you can't learn anything worthwhile on IMVU? LOL)}. Jewelled bright blues shade to black in intricate patterns inside the outline, repeated about the panel, perfectly matching it's neighbors. Shield your dwelling in style with this protective symbol. This is a tileable, 2-sided wallpaper that can be used vertically or horizontally (Top to bottom match as seamlessly as the sides). Paper your favorite room and transform it into a magical vista. Matched up correctly, these will alter the appearance of the dimensions of your room.. the corners will seem to almost disappear, making the room appear a completely different shape. Works on floors and ceilings too. Scalable to a great degree, this can be used as tiles for surfaces as well... just leave a faint margin between panels to show the seams. The possibilities are virtually endless... Henna III - IV AHenna III - IV B