*** Experimental Product ***

The technique to make this pet requires that you own a Female Avatar to it use correctly.

A Male Avatar version is available here.

No refunds if you get the wrong one, you have been cautioned.

There is one other quirk to this product. You can't "put back" this pet in the IMVU inventory. Instead you must click on the "Avatar" entry in inventory to open it, then click apply on your gender of avatar. Here's how:

In the Messenger Client Window, go to the Inventory Tab to see your inventory list.

Look for the Avatar entry as shown below and click on it:

This should open up your avatar list, most people only have one. There look for the "....apply" next to your desired gender of avatar. Click the "apply" button. Your pet should now be back in inventory.

Here's what he can do so far. Type in the command "ridem" (no quotes). Your avatar should get on his back and ride him around in a circle. You may want to pull the camera back a little, so you can see the whole ride. When your not riding him, he'll float next to you treading air. I'm sure he'll look much better in an underwater scene. 2/27/07 - I added several animations for those of you that have the floating water mattress or the drifting boat sceen. The dolphin should now "swim" by the boat and mattress. I have also added the command "Jump", should make him jump out of the water. Looks best when swimming or floating

I'm still learning about how this new product works in the IMVU chat window. Please feel free to leave any questions or comments on my homepage

Please visit my Product Page to see my other products that are Finished and have less issues

Here is the template for deriving.

If you do derive, please mark your product as non-derivable. It helps keep the updating issues easier to deal with.