Let's say you have a gorgeous enchanting garden you worked hard to cultivate and care for. One day you get the inspiration to trim a hedge in a cozy, semi-shady spot that will make a fine conversation piece. So you snip and clip until you have what looks like an upholstered chair. A few days later while you are watering that garden you check on that hedge chair...lo and behold it has attracted a multitude of Butterflies! All of them resting beautifully, wings moving about so you take a picture. The next week while reading a book and sitting in that hedge chair; one by one Butterfly after butterfly descends to the green leafy chair. You don't notice until you've turned the page! Pretty picture eh? I made this for someone very special to me I hope you find it enchanting for your garden space, thanks for shopping from my virtual catalog. Enjoy! As always please use the links above if you prefer another of this mesh or would like to create one of your own.