The Lightning Hand

(Despite the avie shown in this video, this item works with BOTH Male and Female avies!)

Need to lay down a Biblical Smack Down? Well blast your foes with the Power typically reserved for Deities, with the Lightning Hand. This item remains completely hidden until called upon. When used, it blasts out the Burning Rage of a Thunderstorm through your left hand, Smiting all that oppose you. And by Smiting, I mean *kinda* annoying, as IMVU doesn't count Hitpoints or track avie health in anyway. But they'll KNOW you smited them any ways, 'cause that's just the way you roll!

Commands are:
"Lightning" to shoot a blast out in front of you.
"LightningRight" to shoot a blast to your right (Screen Right).
"LightningLeft" to shoot ferrets out your bum.... j/k! It shoots to your Left.

PLEASE NOTE: This item will work equally well with Male and Female avies, but is found under Male Accessories because IMVU lacks a Uni- category. This item conflicts with any item that uses Channel 58 in the avie's body. Extremely few items replace that body channel, but if one of your items does it will either remove this item, or the other item. If you're in doubt, use TRY IT before you BUY IT! There will be NO REFUNDS if it doesn't work with your existing outfit.

Don't plain old White Lightning? Wish those bolts actually made some NOISE?! Then DERIVE IT! Make your own version, and even sell it in the catalog for a small markup over my original, and you can keep the extra profits for yourself! You can express yourself AND earn credits at the same time. How's that for a sweet deal? You'll need a full account on IMVU, as well as a copy of Previewer. You can find out more about Deriving on the IMVU's Education Center. Below are the templates you'll need to get started:

This is the Opacity texture for the Lightning. Every white bar causes more lightning to appear. If this bar is too solid, the lightning will never disappear, which ruins the effect completely. So make sure to only have a few white bars. I find 1 or 2 are enough:

I'm not showing the main texture here because the main texture is an image the same size and shape as the Opacity, only all white. No reason to show you an all white image, as you couldn't see it anyways. If you want to color your lightning, just make a copy of your Opacity texture and give it a solid color. You could use several colors, but the effect might look strange. Only the parts that line up with the white bars on your Opacity texture will be visible, regardless of the colors you choose.

To add sound, I highly recommend you download and use Audacity. It's a free sound editing tool that can export out OGG sound files. OGG sound files compress down to less then 1/10th the file size of WAV files. SO USE OGG FILES!!! You can download it here: