He-Man is characterized by his incredible strength. In the intro sequence of the 1980s cartoon series he claims to be "The Most Powerful Man in the Universe". Similar wording is also used in early packaging of He-Man toys. He-Man's strength is an issue rarely tackled and seems to vary depending on the adaptation. In his first DC comics appearance he was able to trade punches with Superman. And in one episode, he even lifted AND was able to throw Castle Grayskull itself (when it was transported to another dimension), though this was the result of a temporary increase in power. Typical of most adaptations is that He-Man is often shown successfully attempting feats deemed impossible by other characters. Episodes of the original cartoon also depict him as being able to swim at a far faster rate than is humanly possible. It is unknown if there is a limit to how long He-Man can remain He-Man before he reverts back to his original form of Adam; but in the 2002 series, He-Man is shown enduring the brunt of the RamStone of Zelacia, a gem whose mystic force can pierce any barrier or topple any obstruction. He survives, but reverts back to Adam in the process, suggesting that even He-Man has a limit as to how much abuse he can endure before his superhuman strength and stamina are exhausted. His physical prowess is not limited to strength, however, and he is also depicted as being extremely fast and acrobatic. On the other hand, He-Man as a character is largely non-violent and usually only resorts to combat as a last resort, often preferring to outsmart his adversaries, his most violent actions typically consist of picking up an enemy and tossing him away like a rag doll, though the 1987 film and 2002 series show him fighting more aggressively. He-Man is also depicted as a leader, most noticeably in the movie adaptation where he is referred to as the leader of the resistance. Sometimes He-Man's intellect appears to cross a point not within his character, but this usually happened in the original 80s cartoon. He-Man's primary weapon is his sword, but he also uses other weapons, such as a laser-gun in the film, and equipment while battling his foes. His sword is able to deflect bolts of energy both magical and technological. Originally He-Man's primary weapon was an axe. The chest piece on his baldric (battle harness) is made of an Eternian mineral called Korodite that helps add to his physical strength. Introducing an alternate reality version of He-Man known as SHE the most powerful woman in the universe; known as Princess Eve she uses the sword of Grayskull given to her by the sorcerer to transform into SHE: Here I provide two versions of the outfit (Battle Harness and Loin Cloth as well as a skimpier full Battle suit version – AP outfits ONLY). Outfit also entails two version of armbands left and right (gold and regular armor) and two versions of boots (red and brown). Finally arm up with the sword a Grayskull, battle ax, and battle shield to become the most powerful woman in the universe. Enjoy!!