Want to be a super hero? or how about a super villian? This avatar is inspired by the character Magneto, the famous comic anti-hero, villian, bad guy, or hero. Magneto is much more intense in his composure as you can see through his poses that he has dark ambitions inside of him. Use this for your super hero, fallen angel, or tormented flying human creature. Put on this avatar and you will be hovering above ground, flying in the sky on command. Soar to new heights, spin around in the air, enjoy your IMVU chat in a whole new way!

You are purchasing the REGULAR body type avatar for this product!

This is a REGULAR sized Female avatar with a collection of flying super hero/villian poses. Just put this avatar on and you will be hovering above ground at all time. You can also fly around in the room, spin through the air or chat at newer heights like never before. All together there are 18 triggers for actions and 24 facial expressions. Please refer to the chart and list below for all the triggers.

Above is the image of some of the poses for this product, including 5 hovering poses, 4 flying actions, 1 for standing on the ground and 1 for sitting on the chair, floor, kneel, squat and lay poses and much more. The cape, wings are not included in this product!

Here is a list of all the trigger words for this product:
Poses*fly, *spin, *up, *down, *stand1, *stand2, *stand3, *stand4, *stand5, *stand, *sit, *floor, *kneel, *squat, *lay, *hi, *hello, *bye, *wave, *sup, *cya, *later, *peace, *imvu, *, **, ***, ****
Facial Expressions*happy, *joy, *grin, *smile, *angry, *sad, *fear, *surprise, *shock, *disgust, *confused, *worry, *cool, *blank, *evil, *contempy, *squint, *stink, *whoops, *shame, *shy, *pleasure, *pride, *love

Above is the image of the major body types that THE AVATAR FACTORY provides. Please look at the product name carefully and confirm which body type you are purchasing. (We currently have HUGE female avatars only available for the newer released products)