My Dearest, I found out a little about the Asylum, here is the information I received. The Asylum was Founded in 1881 by J.W Looney the Bridge County Lunatic Asylum housed only the most dangerous and deranged patients. Extraordinary measures were always taken to make sure the patients would not escape. Various experiments took place to try to correct the demented demeanor of the inmates. Nothing seemed to work. With each shock of electricity the patients seemed to grow stronger and contemptible. The doctors did what they could but nothing helped. One cold and foggy night in late November a patient by the name of Oscar Mitchell called for the resident nurse. When she arrived she was viciously attacked and murdered. Mitchell went on a rampage killing doctors, nurses, and even other patients. Sometime after 5 am Mitchell found his way back to his room and retrieved the keys from the nurse. He let him self out of the Asylum and disappeared under the night sky. It was the worst murderous rampage Bridge county had ever seen. Shortly after the murders Bridge County closed and boarded up the doors of the Asylum forever. After many years of setting dormant story's began to surface of ghost of all who perished at the hands of Oscar Mitchell. I am passing along this key to you, maybe you will take the chance and see if the ghosts are real. I wish you the best of luck on this journey. Forever yours, Ann