The Lady Sovereign: Power unto Herself!!! Dr. Maxine Hunter was a leading researcher in the field of meteorological studies and chemistry... in 1925, a meteor fell just outside of Area 51 in New Mexico. Dr. Hunter was called in by the government to investigate and research the strange mineral and its effects... while testing that meteor, Dr. Hunter discovered that a strange radiation was emanating from the rock... During a trial testing of the mineral, an accidental explosion occurred and the meteor with all its radiation exploded... Dr. Hunter was caught in the middle and exposed to untold amounts of the unknown element and energy... the result left Dr. Hunter in a coma for several years... Once Dr. hunter regained consciousness, she discovered her body was invulnerable and that she possessed amazing abilities, such as super speed, Super Strength, flight and telekinetic and psionic abilities.. Donning a costume and deciding to hide her identity, Dr. Hunter became the first full fledged Super Heroine ....known as the Lady Sovereign! Today, Lady Sovereign is the oldest and most experienced member of the Guardian Legion, and she is the only woman on Earth who has ever been known to single handedly defeat the Mega powerful, Lady Star Superion when Lady Star Superion was infected with a radiation sickness that caused she to exert uncontrollable rage.... which was reversed, once Lady Sovereign knocked her out. The resulting sound and shock wave of that fight took out a new crater on the moon during their battle. Though aging slowly, Lady Sovereign is still a powerful force for good, but generally remains as a back up and Mentor to the Guardian Legion members... The Lady Sovereign's weakness at the time is unknown...Don the outfit, mask, cape and boots to be come the move powerful super heroine next to Wonder Woman ever.