3 tone pink Loft Aparment!!

*pix coming soon*

U can use this for chats OR for making avi stickers!!!!

It's three tones of pink so when ur in paint u mite have more filling in to do but it only takes a second! I made this to be a actual room and a screenshot room!
I also thought the 3 pink tones wud make it easy to place furni and poses!

How to make an avi pic:

Okay put ur avi in the room and take a screenshot (on the far right hand corner of the keyboard) and then open Paint.

Go to EDIT then PASTE your image will appear. It will include the whole screen tho, so it's not just ur avi, so get the cropping tool (square next to star icon) and make a dotted box around ur avi then right click , then copy.

No to to FILE the NEW, go to EDIT then PASTE ur avi should appear!
Now get bright green and fill in the background until there are NO pink spaces (except maybe if ur clothes, hair, eyes etc are pink)

Now add your name to it if u want in any colour EXCEPT the same green or white.

Now go to EDIT select all then right click the image then COPY

Open up Microsoft GIF animator (Download here (free)) And click CTRL + V ur image should appear as a small thumbnail on the left side of the program. Now click the image and then choose these options:



Go to the Image tab and choose these:

UNDRAW METHOD: Restore background (always do this for animations, everything!)

TRANSPARENCY: (tick box) Colour should be the background (in this case bright green)
If not choose it by clicking the box with colour in it

OKay now click the arrow symbol , next to the ? mark. And u will see your image. If the background is white u have succeded , if not read thro the steps again to see wat u missed out.

You can now upload that image to Photobucket and use it on ur site or submit it as a sticker. To make the catalog image download Shutterfly for resizing needs and special effect!!

Now this price of this product is very cheap, I have helped u greatly so please the least u can do is leave a good review, either about the scene it's self or how useful this page was to u ^_^ (hehe and i'm only 13)

Some poses to make ur images and stickers more intresting!:

Invisable Poses

Now remember these are invisible poses that are FURNI so they only work with rooms like this product!!

U can also try some of these actions:

Avi Actions (female)

Avi Actions (male)

It's not my fault it any of these actions/poses don't work with my room, it's complitly up to u how to make ur sticker and I haven't made the poses or actions.

Tutorails I learnt everything I kno from (well about screenshots and avi stickers):

Using Microsoft GIR animator

Bigger AVi Pic
(Get started with screenshots ect..)
Now that is a person homepage they ingo should be there but I can't ganrauntee anything. If u have questions about her tutorial ask send her a message.

Please consider checking out my other products and visiting my homepage:


Visit CollageGal--request taker


Small note: add this to wishlist if u cannot buy it.

If u have any questions or problems then please leave me a message about them by clicking here do NOT tell my thro reviews!

Enjoy this product!
