Nestling amongst snow covered mountains in pole land and surrounded by northern lights the light out side has faded and there in the forest of christmas trees is a cool icey party cabin retreat with outside veranda porche - it is decorated and glows with the xmas lights that decorate. The floors of the cabin shine and the lake and mountains are frozen in this dusk scene outisde a white icey path leads to a cutting in the woods where fallen trees have been turned into seats - this includes a few pose spots but is generally left free so you can customise to your own christmas scene fantasy desires - this is very atmospheric - hope you enjoy this christmas room Please take the time to leave a review it really does help

Photobucket Photobucket the following images show the room with some of my christmas furniture added like make a snow man this is the room only to complete the look add furtniture items to your desired wish

Photobucket If you really want to experience this room then check out my public room - ice christmas lights - it contains most of the christmas furniture to match this so please be patient as it loads as their is alot of furniture items added