In Celebration of my 2 year on IMVU, with the support of my Best Friend & Muse, I am pleased to redo one of the first rooms I ever did. This room has special Memories for us & I hope you all enjoy it as we have. If you purchased Leantars Beach you will notice the difference in my styles & abilities as I feel i have grown over the past 2 years learning more & doing more to the rooms i recreate. As Always I say now days, May you always Enjoy your time on IMVU, May you grow to realize the foolishness of some things people would have you do in the name of "love" when you should realize they only care about themselves. In the words of Forrest Gump "Stupid is as Stupid does". As always thanks to my muse & best friend & love of my life JMCHL! Thanks for being real in my life & keeping it real. Without you none of this would be possible! Thanks for all you do, You are the owner of my heart mind body & soul!! In Real u r my world , In here u can b whomever with as many avitars as u choose, as to u, in your words, "JUST A GAME NEVER TO BE REAL EVER ! Something to do to escape the real world with all its pain & sorrow. thanks goodness it is only pretend here & what you have in real is all you want! And I am glad I am not a regret!! This was a labor of my heart & since you own that heart Jeffery please take care of it!! Love Always!!
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