Now sir lady you can be king lord knight of your very own castle - This is a splendid crisp and fresh "medieval" castle - based upon the Romereo coat of arms - in red and yellow. It has an impressive long hall / lobby reflective glossy black marble floor, with flags of the coat of arms lining the walls and lots of long columns and gothic style arch stone work. It even has red and yellow tulip flowers on stands to go with the decor and the arms colors The corridor subjects enter by lead up to a central throne room where teh master / mistress can sit which is flanked with suits of armour. Here subjects kneel and submit respect to the authority of the master. It also has two additional rooms one is a swimming pool with swim poses ;) and the other is the lord knights room complete with a romeo bed and dining area - have great fun my lord and ladies with this imaginative castle with the dark gray stone which is so sturdy no fire will penetrate and with rich lavish bright yellow and red decorations to lift and bring this rich manor dwelling to life. It has reflecting stained glass - the stain glass in yellow and red allowing light to flood into the scene.

it has 40 stand points :O, and many furniture points to add additional pieces if you really need to as it already is furnished and has 20 poses already for fufilling your fun and fanstasy ;) hope you enjoy this and and much fun play in here - Please take the time to leave a review it really does help