head 3 faces - female
Try it. No refunds. Not self illuminated. At the middle face you can see a kind of "mask" around the mouth, due the interference of right and left head. The middle face have no eyes: they are shared with the other faces. 10 facial expressions added, (10 secs. approx. and they are the same for the 3 faces): Triggers: angry - exorcist - grrr - hehe - innocent - kissblink - oooh - sad - shocked - wtf. You can use your own eyebrows, eyes and skins. If you use mouth accessories, like pierced tongues, bifid tongues, vampire fangs, etc, only will be visible on the middle face.
WARNING: The 3 faces share the same hair. As the original mesher said, "This product may not fit hairs with edges/babyhair so consider wearing bangs".

*** below, animated example using a "mouth-talk" item (you can find it below, at products used link ***

*** Products in scene: LINK

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