Template1 - fem
Ghost Sheet - WOooooOOOooooOOOoooooOOOOoooooh!

The bestest DIY Halloween costume ever - a white bed sheet with two eye holes cut in it!
Can be worn by both male and female avatars, but will be listed under Female Tops in your inventory. Please note that the avi's upper body and arms have been removed to prevent them from cutting through the sheet - head and legs remain underneath. Please try before buying.
This product is derivable! See instructions below.

All products in the above images can be found in my Catalogue.

Instructions for deriving:
Use the template below to create your texture. I have provided a shaded map to help you to see where the folds in the fabric lie. You may use it for derivations from this mesh only. Right click and 'save as' the maps to save them.

Please do not set your derivation to derivable.
Be creative and have fun!

Click to see more of Polystyrene's products!