Uh-oh, Izzy found a new mesh she likes...

So I found this shirt. It was tempting--I really liked it. Unfortunately I do not drink coffee... 😐 I thought that wearing it would be disingenuous. So I made this!
"Sip tea and praise Lilith."

The tank features the controversial Burney Relief. It is sometimes referred to as The Lady of the Beasts. Archeologists and art historians are pretty dividied over whether it represents Ishtar/Inanna, her sister Erishkigal/Irkalla or Lilitu/Lilith. I will not accost you with a treatise on what I think it is or why but I have written one. Twenty-first century pop culture (myself included, for what it is worth) has embraced the relief as a representation of Lilith.
Try it before you buy it!

P.S.~ V, if you see this, Ash said I should do it so do not be mad.
♥ Izzy