In this day and age on IMVU, if you want some scary eyes, you must go the extra mile to find a truly creepy pair of red eyes. There are some very nice ones on the front page, and circulating out there in the "mainstream items", but allow these, if you fancy them well-designed enough, to be the hidden, flaming garnets among red eyes, that set your look apart from the rest of the flock. Red eyes have become a groaning cliche' of the emo, vampire, demon, and goth scenes... Watered down, cherry colored anime-inspired eyes are being positively engulfed by the wannabe albinos and -cosplayers-. Inspired by a red-eyed character whose eyes are far too peircingly lovely for his little cartoon self. You've got to try them on for yourself to experience the weird -illusion- of both depth, and unreadability of these peepers. The whites of the eyes are reaaally white, and they aren't "intentionally vampire-like", just loopy and animalish.