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**********************PRODUCT DESCRIPTION***********************
Long Wedding Veil with flower crown. Veil split into 4 UVW maps for HD details.
Please note that despite extra care have been taken into, there will still be
some blending issues on some poses, also may not be compatible with some sheer lace dresses
due to imvu limits

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Templates* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
M20 veil 1 M20 shadow
M21 veil 2 M21 shadow
M22 veil 3 M22 shadow
M23 veil 4 M23 shadow
M24 crown M24 shadow
M25 small flowers M26 large flowers

There are many stolen meshes in the catalog, derive carefully and derive from the original ones saves you troubles from getting DMCA takedown later.
*Hint* Stolen meshes mostly cannot provide you with templates and mostly appear in wrong categories.
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