WAIFU GOALS! I found this hella sexy Peggy Bundy shirt in the catalogue the other day and had to have it. I kind of want one IRL! Since then, I have been working to accessorize it. I thought some glasses would be fun. I don't wear them but, sometimes, Izzy does. Maybe you do, too? If you like retro, these would be an excellent choice.

My grandmother had a pair of glasses similar to these. I loved them. When I was little, I would swipe them off her face and run around wearing them, running full-tilt into walls because the lenses were as thick as oldschool coke bottles. They were made of steel rods, buffalo horn and actual pieces of tortoise shell. No worries of a rambunctious toddler high on matcha and tea cakes breaking them. Ah, the good old days. These are a little more kawaii and streamlined, but the spirit of the Greaser generation is still there.
Try it before you buy it!