This is a shower of gorgeous red roses, a very romantic, animated GA couple pose spot...
I know roses always make me smile... :)
The perfect way to surprise someone you care deeply for...
You start by holding hands, (eventually I'll do screen shots with a partner, lol...)
as the pose spot is invisible, until you stand on it, then the shower of roses begins :)
**as always, hug, shake hands, curtsy, bow, do something with your partner to sync the animation**
**Note** Invisible with the exception being: rooms with glass floors, as you can see the roses beneath the floor...
*like the room in this screenshot, which lends an exquisite "mirror" effect* :)
You do not usually notice them in rooms with normal floors,
as again, there are roses beneath the floor where the pose is located...**
I sincerely hope you enjoy this as much as I have enjoyed creating it :)

Screenshots taken at the "I~Executive Suite", which can also be found in my catalog :)
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