Pandora_bundle WordPress plugin , a heavy Gun ship that has disapeared 70 years ago and reapeared at the home planet, it wears the marks of being true hel, but here it is now still operational and still dangerous as ever, this blast from the past might stear up trouble since that in his absence the 2 planets united and no war ships were made anymore leaving this ship as the only gunship of that caliber with his 16 huge cannons for exstreame enegy blasts, 2 torpedo cannons, and 4 lasers, then there are the turreds for defence, so yeah...this ship won so many battles that they made a party area to celebrate all the victory's......... be brave and come explore ---on,aan---check*---off,ofline,uit---a2,alarm,doei---red,alert,alarm2---party*volume*---fail,done---fail*,run,kapot---a1,press---error,offline*---breach,broke,perish,faal---trapson,vallen---trapsoff,vallenuit---close,c,cc,rc,cs---open,o,oo,ro,so---secure,save,veilig---volume,dance,party,play---menu---musix,dj,mixer---0--- --afraid--100%--cantalow--gbye--gbye2--human--mission--lips--doing--sing--c1--c2--c3--c4--OS--CS----OS----the small cannons can be fired by just sitting on the spot, --FIREM-- for the torpedo cannons (The features a bridge/controle room,jail,sickbay,engineroom,relaxroom/disco/canteen ,personal bunk room,cryo room,storage room and a armory) very compleet and unique Gunship room fully acsesable