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GunShip JACULUM (Sledge Hammer) a gunship that has bin on the move for many years and is a impressive powerfull gunship leaving a trail of scrap where ever it came,.. its just that its in borowed time for the last 66 years, but hey it still works (Coughs) be brave and come explore ---on,aan---check*---off,ofline,uit---a2,alarm,doei---red,alert,alarm2---party*volume*---fail,done---fail*,run,kapot---a1,press---error,offline*---breach,broke,perish,faal---trapson,vallen---trapsoff,vallenuit---close,c,cc,rc,cs---open,o,oo,ro,so---secure,save,veilig---volume,dance,party,play---menu---musix,dj,mixer---0--- --afraid--100%--cantalow--gbye--gbye2--human--mission--lips--doing--sing--c1--c2--c3--c4--OS--CS--the small cannons can be fired by just sitting on the spot, same gos for the shuttles--FIREM-- for the big cannons