Wow..... This. Took. Me. For. Ev. Er. But I'm glad I worked on it... even if opacity is a pain, I'm happy it came out as well as it did. It's my special Valentine's Day outfit, albeit a week or two.... or three... early. Or maybe it's nearly a month early, but that's even better. ALSO! I'm coming up with a special outfit that's only coming out ON VALENTINE'S DAY. Yep, that's right. This is one of the only warnings I'm going to give, if anyone even really cares, but I've been working on the idea (and the actual thing) since New Years Day. It's going to be the third Valentine special, (the Ace of Hearts one is also something for Valentine's day, but I decided to put the other Aces with it and make it the line of Aces) and the last. Hence the 'coming out on Valentine's Day' bit... yep. Enjoy the product, and here's a picture! Picceth! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting