Fun and Mysterious!

This skin is "Leaf Free," and enhanced in many ways! This dramatic and elegant look makes your avatar more sexy and the make-up enhances the eyes with subtle eye makeup and super glossy pale lips. Look charming yet mysterious with this sweet yet hot little number! Wonderful and very affordable! No Photos Harmed in the making of this product.

+ Defined Collar Bone

+ subtle eye make-up
+ Pale Lipstick

+ Enhanced Cleavage

+ Realistic Knee Bends

+ Realistic Back Details (including dimples)

+ Little foot and ankle detail (Great for those sandals made from the Any-Length Boot!)

+ Body Highlights to make the body look shiny and fresh!

+ French Manicure

+ Realistic Tummy Details!
+ Whiter, Cleaner, Nicer Teeth

And so much more =o

Thank you for your Purchase and have a wonderful day =)