This is a Traktor that has animations and sounds with 3 spots to sit on. But the traktor won't move forward. It's done to be placed on a moving node built-in a room or on my furniture moving node called FNOF v2 that you can place on any room that is large enough ( )

Triggers are: StartTraktor / goTraktor (ou Mow) / StopEnginSound / MowSound / StopMowSound / StopTraktor

(and there a few other ones for just when you forget your trigger names ^^: StopSoundMow / StopSoundEngin / WarmTraktor / StopWarming / StopTraktorEngin / StopEngin / StopSoundMow /StopSoundEngin / StopSoundTraktorWarming / StopAllTraktorSounds.

 photo b6-fr little paradise_zpsziwxgunx.png