Magic bracer from the ShieldSwerd Ultimate For Female by Eternasky
With the Letter M Custom Design

Triggers and Description:
shield - Creates a shield with the Mirendeigh War Logo
sysdiag - No longer works since I deleted that animation
flame - Shoots Flames, is still in default with ShieldSwerd so nothing new
shoot - Shoots out 3 small spike progectiles, no changes to them
smoke - Generates Smoke around your avatar, no changes to smoke
chaff - Generates a Chaff field surrounding your avatar, color changes
stab - Creates a light magic blade from the bracer stabbing forward
slash - Creates a light magic blade from the bracer slicing
fury - A sequence of Blade attacks followed by a flame attack
bladerush - A blade dance
vengeance - Sets a shield followed by a set of Attack Moves
sweeper - A set of Kicks and blade attacks
myrendeigh - Custom shield action, the shield is half the size and holds out longer to give people enough time to take a look.