*This is only the Unfurnished room; Please see details at the bottom of this page for the BUNDLE!!*
A beautiful ambient room, hidden away in the greenery...
the air is fresh and fragrant... Plenty of room to decorate...
Lovely fountains in the columns illuminated by lamps, and plants cascading around the fountains...
This room was inspired by the "True Love Cafe"... a real place I love dearly...
A place you share with those who are near and dear to you... (and they have fabulous coffee...)
Sometimes, it is not the visual that inspires you, it is your "mind's eye"... every place has a certain feel to it...
the best part is to bring it from that feeling, to something that can be shared :)
I sincerely hope you enjoy this as much as I have enjoyed creating it :)


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This purchase is only for the unfurnished room;
the screenshots above are examples of how this room can look furnished... :) :)
Please refer to catalog icon for your purchase.
no refunds :)
As a special treat, I made a bundle including this room with some pieces
from my exclusive art collection, items that are not in my visible catalog
My way of saying thank you... because Art, like coffee, is always best when shared :)

The bundle, which includes the room
and the exclusive art collection, can be found here:

As requested, a list of the items in my Secret Garden room; including some that were not in the screen shot that I added later (and of course the art in the bundle listed above :)
Then I rearranged later and those items are here: