Template1 - fem
Bombshell Dress

Tight knee-length dress with knockout curves. Bust, hips and butt are enhanced. Includes ruffled trim at the bust and waist to match the hem of the skirt, and a smooth panel added across the bust for realism.
Please note that because the skirt is tightly fitted it will clip in some poses.  Cannot be worn with some boots and shoes with stockings because the legs have been reshaped in order to bring them in for a nicer body shape. Please try before buying.
This product is derivable! See instructions below.

All products in the above images can be found in my Catalogue.

Instructions for deriving:
The top and legs use the standard skintight template. The map I have provided includes a red line to mark the position of the ruffle around the bust. It is best to keep the skirt at knee length as the legs underneath have been shaped in order to make the fit of the skirt tighter. All materials are opacity enabled.

Skintight body
Flat bust panel (aligns to the skintight top, you can use the same texture and opacity)

Please do not use my textures or set your derivation to derivable.
Be creative and have fun!

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