Green Power Scouter For Male Avatars ONLY!

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Scouters were created by Frieza's scientists, made to help determine how strong an enemy is. It's worn around one eye and can detect power levels from an undeterminable distance. It gives the power level in the form of a number, so you can compare the number to your own to see where you stand if you have to fight that person. Numbers will show up on the glass part around the eye so that you can read it easily while fighting and/or navigating. It can also be used to hide from or find people. Simply locate their power level and move away or towards it, depending on if it's someone you can take or you're just a saiyan looking for a fight. But this Scouter is just a machine, it may go haywire and start giving inaccurate readings on low battery and sometimes if the power level you are reading raises too rapidly, the scouter could possibly explode.

The Scouter comes in a variety of colors: Green, Red, Purple, and Blue.

These colors identify the model version you are equipped with. Green is the earliest to blue which is latest model. Scouters can also be used for communication with others on your team.

For Female Versions, Click On GamerBaby's Banner Below
