This is a far better, re-edited version of the origonal 'stiches the kitten'. This new model sports enhanced clevage, interesting face dimension with the use of a light map, more gore, and clearer image. She has a toatally re done face to make her look 'cuter' if you will and more cat-like and less 'toy' like.."The cutest most cuddley Stiches yet! Come! Be the Cat-of-the-walk with your very own sewn on cat skin! Along with the extrodinary detail that most "Stiches" have this cat also comes complete with razor sharp teeth, a fish skelaton on her tounge, bloody claws and scratches, and of course nine lives (although i doubt it counts as she is un-dead anyways)"
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made organally to go with the new 'stiches the kitten' bundle..