This Female Voices Pack comes out from various film Characters.
¡¡¡ A total of 250 voices !!!
You will find it in Female Accessories.

Voice Triggers

aboutu? activate amazing americana badboy! badboy? badday? bastard! big! bigone bitch2 bitch3 blondie breast breathe but bye byebye bye2 bye3 bye4 byehun chieldish chocolate comeon coming? comon comon! confession confused cool cos cute dammet disgusting doiing? doing? dontcallme! dontknow donmess dontworry else? enough excuseme expert fart fart2 fart3 fart4 fart5 fart6 fart7 fart8 fart9 fart10 fart11 fart12 fart13 fart14 fart15 fart16 fart17 feelsgood fun! generous getlost getnaked getonbed! gipsy goodidea goodluck goout? great guys haha hahaha hahaha2 haha2 happy! heis hello help? hesgay hesperfect hey hey2 hi hiall hii hot! hurt? idance idstay illbewaiting iloveu! iloveutoo iloveyou imnaked imnot injection itchi itrustu itwas iwant iwin iwish kinky? kissme! lastchance lastnite liar licking? like loser mad? mandog mhm milku morethan moveout? moveout mumdad myass mybut myhome mymouth myname myname? myskin myturn nervous? nice nicefriends nicemeetu nobrot no! noo! noot nop notbad norty! not notbad nothump notinterested notreally notsex notsure ok okhun? ok? ono ops out! ow owm owyes pantsup pathetic please pony poppy prat punished really? rude! scared seeya sex2 sexy she show shower shutup shutup! shutup2 shutup3 sonice sonice2 sorry sosad sosorry stayin stilldoes stupid sb! sure sweetballs tart tease thankgod thanks thanksguys thankyou thanks2 thanks3 us2 toilet toilet? tummy tummy2 ugo ugreat uhbaby uhump! umind? unfear upearly ups urfoult urfavourite urmine ursweet usa uthink? utonight uphere? uwander uwhat? uwork? virgins waaaw waaw wait! wanker wantsex war waw wekiss whaat? why? whodya wrong xcuseme yep yourturn

Also for Man

Male Voices

regularly updated (remember to clean your IMVU cache)