
Please try the products** displayed on this page before buying them. I will NOT be issuing any refunds if you are not satisfied. I, Ocicat, reserve all rights to all products displayed on this page. Do NOT claim or steal any of the products on this page. If I find out you are stealing or falsely claiming my products, I will file a DMCA against you for theft. I work very my products so please be respectful but most of all... Enjoy!

**Badges and Stickers will NOT be refunded! I have visuals of them on the product page to the exact size of the badge or sticker.

**If you buy a badge, please leave a message in the description so I know you bought the sticker the badge belongs too. If you do NOT receive the badge within 1 to 2 days, please feel free to send me a message and I will grant it to you. Please do NOT purchase the badge with promo credits. IF YOU BUY A BADGE WITH PROMO CREDITS, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A REFUND NOR WILL YOU RECEIVE THE BADGE! Any badges displayed are ALREADY made UNLESS STATED. If you have bought a badge then canceled or refunded the purchase, I reserve the right - and will - revoke the badge(s) from you and whoever it was gifted to, if it was a gift. **

product display

Kitten Collar Badge

This badge is already made and consists of 2 parts. 1 - 3 x 1 and 1 - 1 x 1. Both parts are included in this badge.

This badge is gift and receive.


Read DISCLAIMERS regarding my badges.