This is Susan's Lavender Dress from the 2nd Narnia movie.

In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Susan is given a bow and arrows by Father Christmas, together with a magical horn which, when blown, brings aid. Susan shows her excellence at archery, but is advised to stay out of the battle. Together with her sister Lucy, she witnesses Aslan's death and resurrection on the Stone Table. After the battle, she is crowned to the Radiant Southern Sun as Queen of Narnia by Aslan, and shares the monarchy with her brothers Peter and Edmund and her sister Lucy. She later becomes known as Queen Susan the Gentle. The period of their reign is considered the Golden Age of Narnia.

Throughout the book, Susan is the voice of caution and common sense. Even at the end, after a number of years in Narnia, she counsels against pursuing the White Stag, fearing the upset to the established order she and her siblings all sense the pursuit might bring.

Susan's magical horn plays an important part in the adventures of Prince Caspian. The horn is an ancient relic given to the future King Caspian X by his tutor, the half-dwarf magician Doctor Cornelius. When the Prince's life is threatened by King Miraz the Usurper, Caspian blows the horn and the Pevensies are magically transferred to Narnia from a railway station in England. Using the bow and arrows she has retrieved from the ruin of Cair Paravel.

In the 2008 film adaptation, Susan is different in the film and the role that Susan plays in the battle scene at the end differes. She is much more involved in the actual battle and is in charge of her own corp of archers. She is later seen fighting in a style similar to Legolas from the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, stabbing and slashing Telmarines with her arrows in between shooting them. Also during the fight she can be seen clubbing the Telmarines with her bow.

As always try all items for compatibiity in advance as I cannot rectify mistakes. Please note the item is a bit lighter than the picture makes it appear