This voice box was custom made for Mykafa and her Wolvenpire family. This one I did for Mykafa herself. It contains 20 seductive female sounds. Triggers are:

dmb=Dont make me bite you!
cib=Can I have a bite?
rua=Are you A positive?
dba=I dont bite(pause)always.
ol=Ooo Luuuunch!
igt=Im getting veeeeeeeery Thirsty!
hd=How Deliiiightful!
awd=Absolutely Wonderful Darling!
asl=Ahh my sweet(pause)sweet love!
sdl=Sweet Dreams my love.
gb=Good Bye
dhu=Darrrrrling(pause)how are you?
edm=Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?
dml=Dance with me love.
cml=Coooome to me love.
hdu=How daaaaare yoooou!
wyw=Whaaaat is yoooour wiiiish?
lw=I AM Laaaady Wolvenpire.
ww=We ARE the Wolvenpires!

If you want me to make a custom voicebox for you, just leave me a message!